Waiting for metadata

Hello. Help me understand.
My friend created a torrent from files, the channel is called [Ru] kisuke.
I see this channel, put the files to download, but nothing comes up, writes - Waiting for metadata.
What can be the problem?

“Waiting for metadata” means libtorrent is looking for anyone who got the files. It could be there are no people online with this torrent(s) you’re trying to downoad.

For the test:
I created a torrent (LibreOffice_7.1.0_Win_x64.msi) and put it for distribution on my channel (my_test_channel).
I found my channel on another computer, I see it, I try to download it and I can’t for a few days, why?
Look at my channel, try to download?

There was a bug that was preventing this kind of thing from working. It was fixed recently. Could you please try the latest experimental release (7.10)?

I updated the tribler on both computers. Nothing has changed, it says Waiting for metadata.

When will I be able to write on the forum? I have to wait a very long time for confirmation of my posts. While I’m waiting I can’t take part in discussions in other threads on the forum.

Over the weekend, somehow part of the file was downloaded, but it goes no further.
Maybe some logs to look through and show?

It is better to report errors on GitHub directly, and ask questions in GitHub Discussions. This forum requires manual spam control which takes time. AI-based spam bots are becoming scary good at their thing…

Could you please look at this issue?

If it fits your problem, please write in it a request to reopen it.

I haven’t used the Tribler for a few days.
Today I tried to download it again and it worked.
Apparently I had to wait for people to upgrade to a working version.
The question is closed.