Update from 7 to 8 - how to restore downloads

Everytime, when I updated to new version everything works out of the box. Now, when Tribler open in browser, I don’t have anything on download list. I had a lot of not finished downloads in previos version. How to restore it in new version?

Within settings, Version, you have an import function. It works, but it eats memory and loops. I rebooted after an hour, when tribler was writing 8Mbs to my ssd and eating up memory for an whole hour. It kept updating the metadata.db, I wondered why for 200 Torrents. SO figured it was looping. After a reboot some unknown torrents with weard names where in my library, but most seemed to be there. But all my ratio was gone, at least it was not showing.

I have got only this.
But…I didn’t have a lot of torrents, so I found them, and restart downloading.

Once again. I lost all of my downloads from list after reboot… what the… Version 8.0.5