Installed the .deb package for version 7.5.0
OS is Pop Os
Linux 5.4.0-7634-generic #38~1591219791~20.04~6b1c5de-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 4 02:56:10 UTC 2 GNU/Linux
Error upon starting up and trying to connect returns the following:
“Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/tribler/jenkins/workspace/Build-Tribler_release/Async-Py3-Build-Ubuntu64/tribler/src/tribler-gui/tribler_gui/”, line 134, in
File “/home/tribler/jenkins/workspace/Build-Tribler_release/Async-Py3-Build-Ubuntu64/tribler/src/tribler-gui/tribler_gui/”, line 76, in on_error
RuntimeError: Could not connect with the Tribler Core within 60 seconds”
Found a previous thread, from an earlier version in 2016, that resolved it by installing pip. I have pip3 but there are no packages for pip anymore that I can find. Another thread from earlier this year was posted with this issue but there was no resolution and it died.
I have used previous versions of Tribler on this same OS, and Windows 10, and I did not encounter this issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.