Tribler Will Not start

Installed the .deb package for version 7.5.0
OS is Pop Os
Linux 5.4.0-7634-generic #38~1591219791~20.04~6b1c5de-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 4 02:56:10 UTC 2 GNU/Linux

Error upon starting up and trying to connect returns the following:
“Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/tribler/jenkins/workspace/Build-Tribler_release/Async-Py3-Build-Ubuntu64/tribler/src/tribler-gui/tribler_gui/”, line 134, in
File “/home/tribler/jenkins/workspace/Build-Tribler_release/Async-Py3-Build-Ubuntu64/tribler/src/tribler-gui/tribler_gui/”, line 76, in on_error
RuntimeError: Could not connect with the Tribler Core within 60 seconds”

Found a previous thread, from an earlier version in 2016, that resolved it by installing pip. I have pip3 but there are no packages for pip anymore that I can find. Another thread from earlier this year was posted with this issue but there was no resolution and it died.

I have used previous versions of Tribler on this same OS, and Windows 10, and I did not encounter this issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your report!

First of all, try renaming your .Tribler dir to something like .Tribler_bak and then start. It could be that something in the old Tribler home dir provokes the timeout. If that does not help, try running Tribler from command line to see the console output and post it here.

Also, we figured out from bug reports that most people experiencing “60 sec timeout” problem are using Python 3.6.9. Since 7.5, Tribler requires Python 3.7 at least. Could you please try updating your Python to 3.7+ ?

We received more reports about this. I created a GitHub issue for this problem.

We figured out the problem. Will fix it in 7.5.2.
In the meantime, you can try installing Tribler from source. That will allow you to use the correct (system) interpreter.