Tribler on Raspberry pi?

First of all, I have to admit I’m a begginer in Linux.
I’ve heard that it is possible to instal Tribler on Raspberry Pi using Raspbian. How to do this?
I’ve tried the instructions (readme) but the “dependencies” link is dead.


If you using Linux than it seems to me no problem at all

a good Linux distribution that for sure run on Raspberry pi that is Ubuntu. or Mint.


We now have Tribler running in our university lab on Raspberry Pi.

However, its not all good news. It uses the CPU at 100% continuously. See measurements below, still great work by the team. This ultra cheap CPU fails to keep up with the constant network traffic and “military-grade crypto”.

So it can’t do anything useful now. Two lines below are for normal Tribler and one where message authentication is turned off.

With windows 8.1 the CPU usage swings between 1.8% and 2.5%

possible error to fix for the Tribler Team?

The UPU usage is is slightly higher than other BitTorrent programs, this has also to do with the anonymity.

After upgrading to Raspbian Jessie I menaged to run Tribler and even complete some test downloads (Pi’s NOOBS i.e.).
So I’m not giving up on it yet :slight_smile: