Tribler 7.3.0-beta3 is available today!

Dear Tribler Community,

We’re happy to release a new beta release (3) for Tribler 7.3.0. This version includes several improvements over the channel management and provides better visualization of the Trust graph. We hope you’ll like it. This is still a beta release and there are rough edges but we would like to ask you to install or upgrade to this release and give us your feedback.

The binaries are available below or can be downloaded from the official release page at Github repository.
Windows (32-bit)

If you encounter any problems using this release, feel free to report back to us. We’ll appreciate that. You can either create an issue ticket in Github (link here) or simply post it here in this forum.

For developers willing to contribute to Tribler with bug fixes or new features please check out this page which provides the basic pointers to get started.

And as always, the source code can be found on our Github repository but you can also download it directly here.

We hope you’d enjoy using this version.

How does generating the Trust Graph scale with the number of peers? As it stands, the calculation is quite slow, and updating the graph momentarily freezes the GUI. If the user base grows (which I hope it will), will this become an even bigger problem?

Yes, it’s still too slow. It has been tested with 9000 transactions, resulting rendering time is then 7 seconds. By using OpenGL acceleration and algorithm simplification we aim to fix this before the official release.

I’ve just encountered a bug while trying to move the Tribler window to the front.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\", line 289, in mousePressEvent
File     "lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 1917, in button_press_event
  File "lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 554, in process
  File "lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 416, in __call__
File     "TriblerGUI\widgets\", line 207, in on_mouse_press_event
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'contains'

This occured on Windows 10 x64.

Worked for some hours, and now crashes in seconds-minutes … Unhandled error in Deferred:

ERROR 1558704528.88 tunnel:204 (TunnelExitSocket) too many packets to a destination without a reply, removing exit socket with circuit_id 2617895608
ERROR 1558704528.88 tunnel:204 (TunnelExitSocket) too many packets to a destination without a reply, removing exit socket with circuit_id 2617895608
INFO 1558704529.41 provider:43 (DHTCommunityProvider) Looked up b789a8eb61f7de27254440238ebc88219c08816d in the DHTCommunity, got 0 results
ERROR 1558704529.65 tunnel:149 (TunnelExitSocket) Failed to write data to transport: [Errno 22] Invalid argument. Destination: (‘’, 0) error was: error(22, ‘Invalid argument’)
INFO 1558704530.12 provider:43 (DHTCommunityProvider) Looked up 35464cbd3d0e6135531a4160830d04da8a5de931 in the DHTCommunity, got 0 results
Unhandled error in Deferred:

ERROR 1558704530.13 tribler_window:74 (root) Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/share/tribler/TriblerGUI/”, line 114, in on_read_data
raise RuntimeError(json_dict[“event”][“text”])
RuntimeError: [Failure instance: Traceback: <class ‘Tribler.pyipv8.ipv8.messaging.anonymization.tunnelcrypto.CryptoException’>: Error encrypting message for unknown circuit 2628336766
— —

INFO 1558704530.13 LaunchManyCore:694 (TriblerLaunchMany) tlm: early_shutdown
INFO 1558704530.13 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Credit Mining…
INFO 1558704530.13 CreditMiningManager:105 (CreditMiningManager) Shutting down CreditMiningManager
INFO 1558704530.13 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Torrent Checker…
INFO 1558704530.14 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Gigachannel Manager…
INFO 1558704530.14 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Video Server…
INFO 1558704530.31 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Version Checker…
INFO 1558704530.31 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Resource Monitor…
INFO 1558704530.31 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Unloading Tunnel Community…
INFO 1558704530.34 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down TrustChain Community…
INFO 1558704531.55 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down IPv8…
INFO 1558704531.66 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Saving configuration…
INFO 1558704531.67 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Checkpointing Downloads…
INFO 1558704532.62 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Downloads…
INFO 1558704532.63 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Network…
INFO 1558704532.63 LaunchManyCore:779 (TriblerLaunchMany) tlm: network_shutdown
INFO 1558704532.63 LaunchManyCore:782 (TriblerLaunchMany) tlm: Number of threads still running 4
INFO 1558704532.63 LaunchManyCore:784 (TriblerLaunchMany) tlm: Thread still running=MainThread, daemon=False, instance=<_MainThread(MainThread, started 139940388464448)>
INFO 1558704532.63 LaunchManyCore:784 (TriblerLaunchMany) tlm: Thread still running=PoolThread-twisted.internet.reactor-1, daemon=False, instance=<Thread(PoolThread-twisted.internet.reactor-1, started 139939631068928)>
INFO 1558704532.63 LaunchManyCore:784 (TriblerLaunchMany) tlm: Thread still running=PoolThread-twisted.internet.reactor-0, daemon=False, instance=<Thread(PoolThread-twisted.internet.reactor-0, started 139939916257024)>
INFO 1558704532.63 LaunchManyCore:784 (TriblerLaunchMany) tlm: Thread still running=PoolThread-twisted.internet.reactor-2, daemon=False, instance=<Thread(PoolThread-twisted.internet.reactor-2, started 139939622676224)>
INFO 1558704532.63 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Libtorrent Manager…
INFO 1558704532.63 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Waiting for Libtorrent to finish…
INFO 1558704532.63 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down Metadata Store…
INFO 1558704532.63 Session:558 (Session) Tribler shutdown state notification:Shutting down API Manager…
INFO 1558704532.64 event_request_manager:79 (TriblerGUI) Got Tribler core error: 2
INFO 1558704532.64 event_request_manager:79 (TriblerGUI) Got Tribler core error: 2
INFO 1558704533.16 event_request_manager:132 (TriblerGUI) Will connect to events endpoint
INFO 1558704533.17 event_request_manager:79 (TriblerGUI) Got Tribler core error: 1

My Tribler crashed while trying to add a torrent via a magnet link.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "TriblerGUI\", line 114, in on_read_data
RuntimeError: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'metadata'

@LesVerres @cisf thank you for reporting the issues. The first two issues are fixed already and the fix will come with beta 4 onwards, to be released in a few days.

I’m not able to reproduce this issue. Does it happen with any magnet link?

Here’s a new error, occurring while trying to start Tribler.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "TriblerGUI\", line 136, in <lambda>
  File "TriblerGUI\", line 81, in on_error
RuntimeError: Could not connect with the Tribler Core within 20 seconds

Does it happen with any magnet link?

I’ve tried it with another one, there it didn’t happen, although it appears to take longer than normal to find the torrent’s details.

When running the 32 bit version under wine, the checkboxes for exit node etc. are not visible. Perhaps a font issue?

Hmm, actually not just when running in Wine. When run in Windows 10 (32 bit version of Tribler), the checkboxes (family filter/ exit node/ Enable Token Mining, etc), are also gone.