Hi All,
Long overdue update… We have not posted here for months, but there is a shiny big release coming. “7.0”
Tribler7 has total re-doing of the GUI. The whole user interface has been rewritten from scratch with performance and responsiveness in mind. Tribler itself is also much more polished and tuned. Coming weeks we will be focused on getting the bugs out. We’re doing internal testing now on Mac, Win and Linux. Streaming works, amazing sub-second search, real-time recommendations, etc. We’re still fixing lots of low-level bugs, like: Error when creating channel with long unicode description field · Issue #2614 · Tribler/tribler · GitHub
Plus anonymous downloading should be faster and able to exploit a multi-core architecture.
See screenshot for preview.
There are now 22 students in my university lab. It’s been hard to juggle hard-core science and the boring engineering fixes that Tribler needs, but we’re managing mostly. This is due to my: http://blockchain-lab.org work -j