Tribler 6.5. Port status unknown

I tried Tribler 6.5., but port status seems to be unknown?

downloading is almost zero! (sometimes a few kb’s)
Strange for Utorrent and Frostwire are both working good.

Unfortunately I didn’t find any log, so please anybody suggestions??

Using WIN10 64 bit - Bitdefender - superAntispyware and MalwareBytes
Thanking you in advance for any help

My Tribler 6.5 is showing "Building Circuitis"for hours and no download. If I start the download non-anonymously, it goes well.

Thanks renang010 for your reply. But even in non-anonymously mode it doesn’t work at all.

Stronger: after reinstalling tribler 6.5 again it won’t even start anymore at all

Could you have a look at the log file and file a bug report? Have a look at:


Unfortunately, reinstalling Tribler seems to be impossible due to Win10 errors.
Therefore -for the time being- won’t use Tribler
give it another try when I have installed a clean Win 10 version.

Thanks for the help

Same here. W8.1 64 bit.
It doesn’t do anything. I tried different ports, both low and high portnumbers (80, 8080, 7777, 7000, just guessing) but that did not help.

Is there a way to download the previous version? I did not find a list or link to older versions.


By not doing anything, you mean using tunneled downloads?

It works fine on all our test machines.
Maybe you could open an issue on our github project page and try to describe your setup as detailed as you can?


Dear Whirm,

I think it’s for me better I stop Tribler as I can use other ones.
Later after installing a clean Win10 version, I give Tribler another go, of course

Hello, since I have tribler 6.5 on my MAC i can’t download anything, it says that the ports are unknown or sometimes it says that it’s working but i have 0 connection…
It works fine on Bittorent
What can I do?

Could you have a look at

And fill an issue on github’s issue tracker? Hopefully there will be some useful info on the system logs (the link I posted contains info on how to fetch those).



I use Windows 8.1

I have also the same problem here. What for port must i use.

Port forwarding is a old issu, since UPnP not more usual

I have also problem with shutdown of Tribler get a error mention.

I hope that this problems are solved with the next update.

I had the same issue from Tribler v6.5.1 (and maybe 6.5.0 ?) while 6.4.3 worked fine: “Port status unknown” and “Building circuits” messages for hours and days (never stop).

I don’t see any log file related to my Tribler (OS Linux).

I waited several weeks before to try again Tribler today, and surprise : it worked from the first time ! and my old clearnet torrent (a Linux ISO) finally find peers.

I had a UPnP issue with a other software (Bitmessage ?) some days ago that required to me to power off/on my NAT (this fixed it). Perhaps this was the same kind of issue with Tribler (even if I opened a port number in my NAT for Tribler since months).

For the next time you need to access your log file: On Linux they are saved in /tmp/.