Moving a Tribler install from one Windows PC to another

I need to move all my settings, channels, and current downloads from my old PC to my new PC. I’ve read a few relevant posts, but most of them are very old, and searching for the files mentioned revealed no results on my PC.

I’m on Windows 10 Pro N v. 2004 OS Build 19041.1110

Tribler 7.10.0

I’d appreciate it it someone could walk me through this step by step with nothing assumed - in other words, explain it like I’m 5.

Thanks in advance.

If you have saved the torrent files you can reload them and tribler should be able to check the new folder etc


Unfortunately, the torrent files I keep are in one folder, and include torrent files from many different sources that I’m not using in Tribler. Is there a way to bulk export the torrents from within Tribler like you can individually using the “Export .torrent file” right-click menu? Are the torrent files stored in Tribler’s data somewhere? Exporting them all at once would be ideal. One-by-one would take far too much time. Not to mention that many of my completed downloads are stored in different locations outside of my Tribler download folder.

I need a better solution, to be honest. But thank you so much for your reply.

I’ve created a Wiki page for you:

Also, you can refer to this post at our forum.

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Ahhhhh. Thank you. I’ll go check that out now, though I’ve already switched computers and basically screwed over a lot of my tribler downloads. It was also quite time-consuming to get started again.

Thanks again!

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