i enabled mining and i see a lot of up and downloads.
unfortunately, those “downloads” which are generated to be uploaded, are negatively calculated to my balance?!
thats a big error - if thats the case then it makes no sense to mine at all, isnt it?
I second that.
Actually I started using tribler only a couple of days ago and right off the bat, without downloading anything, I got a negative balance immediately. Then I added torrents to my channel, all for uploads/sharing and turned on mining as well, and my balance got more negative.
Then I started only one download, 3gb in size, and since that, although it’s not even quite finished yet, my balance skyrocketed to more than 25gb negative now. I haven’t even downloaded 3gigs yet, and I got over 25gigs negative balance. Something is screwed up in that calculation.
I think it’s the same for everyone, I have the same issue.
@tribler55 @spkdd @thecolorjay This issue has been discussed previously here:
Update on this issue: The token leakage due to seeding to non-Tribler bittorrent users is fixed in the development version and will be shipped in 7.5.0 release. However, real testing from the users is necessary to confirm if the fix is working.
can we somehow test that?
i install now 7.4.0-noodle2.02 in hope that closing the application works now
@S.Pan how is this fixed? The Tribler user that allow anonymization still do work. Will they not receive tokens for that? The core problem is that the Tribler community does work for people outside the Tribler community (who cannot pay for the work done because they are not part of the credit system). Can you explain please?
When running with 7.4.4 I was seeding 5 torrents, running up a negative score of 300MB in half an hour. Running with 7.5.0-rc1 the same 5 torrents now list 0 seeds and 0 peers. Are non-Tribler users now disconnected? What is going on?
PS: good news is that indeed my score did not further drop. But I am also not seeding anymore
i think the problem is that if you restart your computer or tribler program itself the mining that has been downloaded to seed is deleted and you have to download AGAIN which is bad for mining buisness
So I just downloaded Tribler, and already I’m in a negative balance just for opening it up. It took me a few seconds and now I’m in a -4 MB balance. EDIT: I am using 7.5.0-rc5 for Windows 10, 64-bit.
Just wanted to let everyone know.
We joke that starting from negative balance is like an original sin - you did not deserve it, but you still got it
Jokes aside, this happens because of Tribler downloading the bootstrap block anonymously when you start it for the first time. As no one trusts you in the network, you have to prove yourself by running for some time as a relay for other people. Then the balance should go up.
The token mining feature is highly experimental and it never really worked. Normal users should not try it. Just running Tribler in the background as a relay should be enough.
We understand that starting from negative balance is unsettling. Currently, we’re discussing using social ranking instead of tokens. That’s only going to happen at 7.6+ though.
I would like to see a new thread regarding that discussion. Looking forward to reading it.