I want to add Swedish as a GUI language

I made a .ts file and a .qm file and I want to add them, but I can’t seem to find a way to make a proper PR even though I read the README.md and CONTRIBUTING.md.

Is it possible to have it pushed from here instead?
This is for the 7.9 release.

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All contributions are welcome! You can look at how the Chinese translation PR is going right now. Non-bugfix contributions should go to the main branch, which will become 7.10 (at the end of May).

  1. To make a PR you first need a GitHub account.
  2. Then, you should fork the main Tribler repository and checkout the main branch
  3. Then you should create a branch from main named something like translation/swedish
  4. Then you make your changes to that branch and commit the results to your fork
  5. Then you just open the Pull Requests page in your browser. You should immediately see the invite to open a pull request.
  6. Open a PR into the main branch of Tribler repository from translation/swedish branch of your fork.

Hope this helps!