How can I run 8.07 as a stand alone aplication and not as one of my 100 tabs in the untrustworthy Chrome?

I just updated from 7.xx to 8.07 and now Tribler runs only as a tab in Chrome. Maybe this is intended only as an option?
Also I usually have 150 YouTube tabs open and I would prefer if I leave Tribler ON to be just a small app in Systray not a huge browser eating resources when I don’t want it to. Aso… I normally don’t trust Chrome with anything.

Any way to turn it back to the way it was or that’s the new way?

Windows user btw…



As I understand it, it is just a gui, if you close the Tribler tab, it keep on running in the windows system tray.
Clicking in it nd select open, reopens the tab. If I where you, I would use a different browser just for Tribler, Like Firefox or Opera.
I just found out that Opera has a free VPN, so Pirate Bay works again for me in NL.

Hey @Azerty! (^▽^)/
The 8.07 release primarily is the daemon, which the desktop file launches, and the browser is opened with the API key injected as a cookie, so closing the tab should make no difference. But opening again without being launched by the application could be trouble… ( ̄︿ ̄) It may need ?api_key=<api_key> in the URL.

Sad, however, the dedicated application is not included after 8.0. (。•́︿•̀。)

I agree. I prefer NOT associating Tribler with Any Browser, but keep it as it was… a Desktop Taskbar app. Thank you, Azerty.

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can’t do anything with this absolutely stupid design decision either, either a fork with a GUI is coming or that’s it for Tribler.