Why is Tribler not uploading?


I’ve just started using Tribler.
My main concern at this point it that it doesn’t seem to be uploading with any of my torrents.
There does appear to be two of my torrents which seem to have uploaded a very small amount.
So first of all, why is Tribler not uploading that much? I’m guessing that I don’t get that much peers because they notice I’m not uploading or something.

Anyone got an idea as to why this might be so?
Thank you.

A simple reason might be that there are enough seeders so your client doesn’t need to upload much.

Try to click one of the torrents with zero ratio and then click “Trackers” tab and check if [DHT] is Working If it is Disabled, then i think one need to create new torrent that is NOT marked as private.

Mine is not uploading/seeding at all either. Let it run idle for over 24 hrs. I now owe almost 4gb and tribler wont upload!

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I have created a new torrent but the upload doesn’t start. It reaches up to more than 1500 requests from peers, I also put it on piratebay, but it doesn’t start.