Tribler state directory

Tribler stores all the configuration and state data inside a single directory called state directory. The location of this directory varies depending on the os/platform. Here is a list where you can find that directory in most common platforms.



Simply, type the above path in the File Explorer, you’ll be able to view the state directory. This directory resolves to the path like C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\.Tribler.



This path resolves to /Users/{username}/.Tribler.



This path resolves to /home/{username}/.Tribler.

The structure of the state directory is the following:

├── channels
├── dlcheckpoints
├── ec_multichain.pem
├── ecpub_multichain.pem
├── ecpub_trustchain_testnet.pem
├── ec_trustchain_testnet.pem
├── logs
│   ├── crash-report.log
│   ├── tribler-core-error.log
│   ├── tribler-core-info.log
│   ├── tribler-gui-error.log
│   └── tribler-gui-info.log
├── sqlite
│   ├── market.db
│   ├── market.db-wal
│   ├── metadata.db
│   ├── trustchain.db
│   └── trustchain.db-wal
├── triblerd.lock
└── wallet
    ├── config
    │   ├── networks.json
    │   └── providers.json
    ├── database
    ├── log
    └── wallets.sqlite