Tribler 6.5.1 adds 80 random torrents to download list

Hi! I recently upgraded to 6.5.1, but I have encountered a strange bug. When I opened it yesterday, my list of downloads was replaced with 80 torrents that I had not added (they were seemingly random torrents; porn, animation movies, 50s music, hiphop, programming courses, Windows Vista, pizza recipes, you name it).
All these torrents are stuck on initializing and will not actually download (luckily).

I cleared the list, but it happened again today. At first the list was empty except for the torrent I was downloading and the automatic test, and within five seconds 80 downloads were added. These 80 downloads are different from the 80 downloads I got yesterday.

Aside from this, Tribler functions normally. While these 80 torrents are stuck at “initializing”, torrents that I add will download normally.

Usually don’t put in bug reports, but I really wonder how something like this happens. Hope someone has a clue, mostly because I’m curious.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hm, What version are you running exactly? (from git, source, installer?) Could you please open a new issue in our issue tracker and provide all the info required on the CONTRIBUTING file linked there?